Alexa Boothman – Entrepreneur Paying it Forward
I met Alexa Boothman at the Latina Style Business Series Event in Miami this past March and we instantly connected. A fearless go-getter, Alexa has gained extraordinary knowledge from her experiences and currently offers other entrepreneurs like herself the chance to get started with convenient solutions for their business. Her passion for helping is mirrored by her thirst for travel and new experiences and through her hard work and dedication she is able to live both to their fullest. This is her story in her own words.
Moving to and staying in the United States
I never thought I would leave my family. I was offered the opportunity to do an exchange program for three months when I was in school and I was too afraid to leave home. I have three siblings and over 15 cousins so we were always busy with activities.
However, during my senior year in high school we had a career day where I met several school representatives from Peru and other countries. That day I met an international recruiter for the International Fine Arts College. I knew at that moment that I wanted to move and study in the US.
After two years studying in the United States I went back to Lima on vacation and due to unforeseen circumstances had to extend my stay and had to make the decision that would dictate my future. While getting my education and working as a hostess in the US I cultivated a great group of friends and network so that gave me the courage to return to and build my future in this country.
Alexa’s current work and constant preparation
I currently own Hollywood Executive Office Suites (HEOS), an executive business center in Hollywood, Florida where I handle all the marketing, sales, advertising, PR and social media.
Hollywood Executive Office Suites, 3440 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 415, Hollywood, FL 33021
I have a broad range of knowledge based on the various disciplines and skills I have developed. Early on, in order to approve my traveling abroad to study, one of the conditions my father gave me was to take a computer graphics course, which I did from Montemar University in Lima, Peru. Later, I studied Commercial Art at the International Fine Arts College, from where I transferred my credits to Saint Thomas University to study Communications. Finally, I took a class on Phone Etiquette, studied to become a notary and a Real Estate Agent, and took a QuickBooks class at Sheridan Technical School.
Currently I attend SCORE seminars, leadership classes and networking meetings that round out the skill set required for an entrepreneur in my field and together with the rest of my education, gives me a well-rounded approach to help my fellow entrepreneurs and business owners get on their feet.
I gained all my field experience from a small Executive Center called PRO Executive Office Suites where I started working at the front desk. We started with 10 small offices and that work gave me the tools and knowledge I needed to help the company grow to 4 centers with more than 200 offices and later build the business I now own.
Paying it forward to other entrepreneurs and to the community
As a business, Hollywood Executive Office Suites helps entrepreneurs get on their feet by offering them affordable solutions to get started. We help promote and network their business and we try to host all our events local. We have donated our conference rooms for nonprofit organizations meetings and we currently give a monthly donation (by discount on an office) to Nationwide Academy which offers independent-study high school completion through correspondence-based or online-based studies.
As a group, HEOS and its members always contribute to food drives, blood donations, and Toys for Tots.
Alexa Boothman (center) at Ronald McDonald House
Personally, I am a member of the Junior League of Broward County where we promote voluntarism and help create awareness. I am also a volunteer for Project Change helping women and children rebuild their lives in regions ravaged by war and famine, building orphanages and schools in poor and rural areas and building rehabilitation centers for victims of rape, slavery and extreme poverty
Alexa Boothman (far right) with the Junior League of Greater Fort Lauderdale
Living her passion
My biggest passion is traveling. On my first day in college I met so many people from different countries and backgrounds that it opened my eyes to a world so much bigger than what I had thought. My first trip was from Miami, FL to Atlanta, Georgia where high school friend was now attending college. I blocked all my fears, got in my car and just started driving. That trip changed my life and I knew I wanted to see the world, learn different languages, cultures, foods, and just take it all in. For a few years I traveled inside the US until 1999 when I took my first trip outside of the US to Egypt. I did it through a tour company called Contiki for 18 to 30 year-olds. I will never forget that trip and I still have a few of the travelers on my Facebook.
Alexa in Chichen Itza, Mexico
Most people get discourage when planning a trip which could become very time consuming. You always have to take into consideration time changes, travel arrangements, accommodations, destinations, transportation, scheduling, and pricing.
I personally like to choose a destination, study the country, sites and create a budget usually one year in advance. This gives me enough time to search and save money especially if you travel on a budget. Nowadays there are plenty of sites that can help you accomplish your traveling goals.
Alexa (second to last) surfing in Hawaii
Advice for other Latina professional women to grow in their career
The sky is the limit and the future you create for yourself depends on your motivation and effort. If you have a passion for something make a plan, have short and long term goals and make them become a reality. Knowledge and education are part of growing in any career so read and learn from other women, reach out and absorb as much as you can. Never give up.
Alexa reaching for the sky
Interested in learning more about Hollywood Executive Office Suites? You can contact Alexa at 954.241.4200, stop by at 3440 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 415, Hollywood, FL 33021 or visit www.hollywoodofficesuites.com
Thank you Alexa for sharing your story with us! Your relentless pursuit for growth and helping others achieve their dreams is an inspiration to us all!
Ana Albert and Alexa Boothman in Miami, FL, March 2016